Assisted Stretching for Low Back Relief: 2 Stretches to Ease Lower Back Muscle Tightness

TPTP Mary Rice Class Photos Roller Stretch 2.jpg

“Do people come in here with low back issues?”

A client recently asked me this during a private Assisted Stretching session.


When I ask my students what parts of their body are feeling “wonky” when they come in for a class, almost all of the students answer “lower back.”

Our lower backs have to deal with a lot.

Usually whatever is tight in your body is connected to your lower back.

Almost every action extends from your lower back—walking, opening a car door, bending forward… think about how many movements we do every single day that involve our lower backs!

Over time, the muscles in your lower back become overly-contracted from all our daily forward movements. Assisted Stretching opens up that tight muscle tissue, untangling and elongating those muscles that are attached to the lower spine. This allows for more circulation and blood flow, which is healing for the entire body.

In most cases, if you’re low back feels tight, it’s because another muscle group is tighter and pulling on those lower back muscles.

But there are many Assisted Stretches that you can do to help ease the tightness of those muscles and bring relief to your lower back!

I want to share with you two Assisted Stretches that are great for lower-back relief!

Use a roller to stretch out your quads and relieve pressure on your lower back.

Use a roller to stretch out your quads and relieve pressure on your lower back.

Quad Roller Stretch

I like to start with stretching the quadriceps.

If you don’t have a roller at home, get yourself one—that’s your homework! This will be the best investment you can make to relieve your body of tight muscle tissue. Your roller will change your life!


Lay face-down on the floor with your upper body propped on your elbows and your quads propped on the roller. With your elbows planted, pull your body forward and back as your quads roll over the top of the roller. Don’t walk forward with your elbows—this is too taxing on your upper body! Use your shoulders as a hinge to pull your body forward and back.

You may be wondering why rolling your quads is considered a stretch for your lower back? When your quads are tight, these muscles pull down on the hip flexors, which are connected to your lower back muscles. Everything is connected; the source of your discomfort most always is coming from an opposing muscle group. Have fun rolling!

Use a block or stack of books to elongate the lumbar spine with this stretch.

Use a block or stack of books to elongate the lumbar spine with this stretch.

Block Pelvis Raise

This stretch requires a block, but if you don’t have a block at home, you can make one—use a stack of books between 3 and 4 inches high; wrap them with a blanket or towel to soften. Lie flat on the floor, bend your knees, lift your hips, and place the block directly under your hips (not the curve of your low back). Relax your upper body.

This elongates the lumbar spine and opens up the vertebrae to allow for blood flow and circulation, which is healing not only for your lower back muscles, but your entire body! You will not want to get off your block!

follow along on socials.

On Instagram and Facebook, I share short videos showing your stretches like these! See these videos @ThePowerToPause on both platforms.