Never Say Never

I was settled in my life and my career, determined to never get married and surely to never have children. That sort of life was not for this go-getter of a girl! I couldn’t imagine driving a minivan or, even worse, driving it through a fast food drive-thru. I had way too many dreams and aspirations to ever stop and settle down.

Or so I thought.

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Everything Counts: 3 Simple Steps to Better Choices

Our bodies are like a house: they need regular work and renovation to keep it well maintained! Our bodies require thought and planning; just like a house, the details matter. Choosing the things we put into our bodies is like choosing a new light fixture for your kitchen. You can instantly see the light fixture; you can see the choices you have made to create the body you live in.

Get started renovating your body with these 3 simple steps.

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Listen to Your Body: 2 Easy Stretches You Can Do At Home

Taking time to give back to yourself and your body—time to relax, stretch, and breathe deeply—sends a positive message to the brain that all is okay! The brain tells our muscles and organ system that they can now chill & relax. It’s important to give your body a break from go go go, do, do, work, work, work of our daily lives. When we slow down, we think more clearly and our bodies function on a higher level.

Here are two of my very favorite and easy stretches you can do at home anytime.

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StretchesConnie Williams